Car parked by wallbox

A wallbox for rented flats: how to plan your installation

5 steps to install your wallbox – what tenants and landlords need to know

Find out more about wallboxes for rented flats here:

  • Given the right conditions, tenants can also get a charging station installed.
  • The cost of installing a wallbox is generally borne by the tenant him- or herself.
  • Get an electrician to check the wiring of the building.

A dedicated parking space is a prerequisite for a wallbox

To have your own charging station, a permanent space for your electric car is useful. However, it does not need to be under cover. Some charging stations are suitable for outdoor use, and can only be accessed by registered users. These come with a Type 2 connector as standard. With many models, charging can be controlled easily and conveniently with an app. Normally, you as the tenant will bear the full cost of installation. In a block of flats, it's worth getting other tenants on board, and convincing them of the benefits of an electric car or plug-in hybrid. Then, you can share the expense of the charging station. The amount of the investment varies depending on the purchase price of the wallbox and the amount of work needed for structural modifications. Nevertheless, installation is easier than you might think.

Ensuring a supply of electricity: seek expert advice

Is there already a socket near your parking space? Good, that's all you need for now. You can charge your electric car! However, a wallbox gets the job done faster, but it does need a high-voltage connection. As a rule, this needs to be wired in. To ensure the process is as safe as possible, you should always find a qualified professional service. It's really easy to check online beforehand whether your parking space is suitable for a charging point. If the result of the online pre-check is positive, an installer will carry out a thorough analysis of your parking space. Once all questions have been clarified, you can both agree on a date for the installation. Then, an electrician will connect up your own private wallbox as per the regulations and will check that it charges your electric car.

Ask your landlord, agree on the details in writing

And what does the landlord or landlady say to this? Make sure you involve the owner of your flat in the discussion at an early stage. Explain the advantages of a private charging station on the premises: increased value, attractiveness, carbon footprint, etc. Maybe the building is also suitable for solar panels, which can then supply the charging station with green solar energy.

This way, electric mobility is simple and saves money. In any case, always have agreements with your landlord or landlady about the charging station set down in writing. And what happens to the connection if you move out of your rented flat? Ideally, this will be taken on by the next tenant. After all, a ready installed charging point makes the property more attractive. It doesn't matter what kind of electric car the new occupant wants to charge, because the charging stations and connectors are standardised.

How to charge your Volkswagen ID.



Wall charger installation worker
The installation of a wall box belongs in the hands of professionals. (Image: Adobe Stock)

Wallbox for rented flats: easier than you might think

If you purchase a charging station, you'll be supporting the transport revolution. And you don't need to be a home-owner. With a bit of planning and expert help, installation is also possible for tenants of a flat or apartment. 

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